Baseball Team Insurance Plans
Camp Team is proud to announce a partnership with Elite Championship Tournament Baseball and offer insurance coverage for individual baseball & softball teams.
By joining ECTB association, you will have access to their leagues and tournaments and be able to purchase baseball team insurance that will follow your team for all practices and tournaments during the policy period. If you have more than an individual team to cover, Camp Team also provides league and club baseball insurance.
General Liability limits are $1MIL each occurrence with $3MIL aggregate and Excess Accident Medical benefits for participants are $100K.
To register your teams for softball or baseball insurance, please click Any questions regarding ECTB, please email or call Stacey Hamersly 610-841-9505

“The Camp Team has been a part of our team for 10 plus years due to their efficiency and loyalty in making our camps a success. We are so thankful for such a wonderful group of people to work with. “
Lonni Alameda,
Head Softball Coach
Florida State University